Of the more than four billion prescriptions dispensed each year, half are not taken as prescribed. But medication non-adherence isn’t simply a patient compliance concern — it’s an issue of patient safety.
In the U.S., lack of patient adherence to medication instructions causes approximately 125, 000 deaths, 10 percent of hospitalizations and 23 percent of nursing home admissions annually.
Though reasons for non-adherence vary, patients’ misunderstanding providers’ instructions is a common cause. One in three Americans struggles to make sense of medication instructions, often due to poor literacy, limited language skills and cognitive challenges. As a result, 1.5 billion prescription instructions are not understood each year.
Healthcare professionals need tools to help patients to understand the “what” and “why” of the medications they’re taking, as clear instruction is the first step to guiding patients to take medications correctly.
To address this challenge, Polyglot Systems developed Meducation, a collection of resources designed to help healthcare professionals provide patients with personalized, simple and understandable medication instructions that include:
- Intuitive, graphic representations of the amounts of medicine to be taken at particular times of the day
- Easily understandable pictograms designed to help reduce dosing errors
- Easy-to-read instructions presented in a variety of languages
Meducation integrates directly into Greenway Health solutions, so all content can be delivered to your patients, electronically or printed, without interrupting your workflow. The result? Increased medication adherence and patient satisfaction, leading to improved patient health and reduced costs.
Newest Greenway Marketplace Partner
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a software that helps practices effortlessly identify and guide existing patients to high-value preventative services and complex treatment programs. The flexible protocol engine is designed to fit primary care practices, ACOs and upcoming value-based payment programs.
Improving health is at the heart of Greenway Health’s work. We connect providers to the right information and insights, at the right place and time, so they can make patient-driven care a reality while navigating the ever-changing healthcare system. Greenway is focused on exceptional service, delivered by a team of more than 1, 800 clinical practice, financial and technology experts dedicated to innovations that keep people healthier and happier. Comprising 10 percent of the ambulatory HIT market, we partner with over 10, 000 organizations and 75, 000 progressive providers across more than 40 specialties, which translates into more than 100 million lives that are touched by our solutions. All of Greenway Health’s solutions and services are designed to meet our companywide goals of serving physicians, connecting the industry and empowering better care. Whether as a customer, strategic partner or staff member, we invite you to partner with us to create a smarter healthcare system.