Medical CME requirements vary by state
Continuing medical education requirements for maintaining your license vary by state. Medscape has compiled and keeps up-to-date a list of medical CME requirements by state at for physicians.
Surprisingly, a few states require no continuing medical education credits. These states (as of Dec. 2009) include Colorado, Indiana, Montana, New York, South Dakota, and Vermont. More typically states require 40-50 credits a year (sometimes grouped by 2 or 3 year periods), with a requirement that a certain fraction be Category 1 credits. Because requirements can change, confirm everything with your state board of medical licensing.
CME courses by medical specialty
- Cardiology CME are typically high-level courses that deal with specific cardiac patient populations, new pharmaceutical indications, and interventional procedures. While internists and primary care physicians may find these courses of interest if they have a large patient population with cardiac issues, these courses are typically designed for cardiologists rather than PCPs.
- Diagnostic radiology CME is now easily done primarily online given the high bandwidths available. However, interventional radiology still requires live courses when procedures are involved. Ultrasound CME, a subset of radiological courses, are usually presented separately.
- Psychopharmacology now dominates the collections in psychiatry CME. To a large extent this reflects the trend in psychiatric practices away from psychotherapy to pharmacological maintenance, and the changing reimbursement schedules for therapy.
- Initially built as a subset of anesthesiology continuing education, pain management CME courses now comprise a separate category. Some states even require pain management credits to maintain a medical license.
Source: www.mommd.com

Upstate Medical University-Paul L. Grover, PhD

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