Continuing Medical Education

December 15, 2021
Continuing Medical Education

Image of The Doctor by Sir Luke FildesContinuing medical eduction (CME) is a must in today’s medical fields. From nurses to physicians, this ever-changing field is moving faster than ever. In the following list of top 50 continuing medical education blogs offer news, learning opportunities and information on health informatics, oncology, allergies and much more.

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care

    EmergencyOther Topics

    1. ACP Internist: This blog provides news and information for internists about the practice of medicine and reports on the policies, products and activities of the American College of Physicians.
    2. Allergy Notes: Allergy, asthma and immunology news updated daily by a former Cleveland Clinic assistant professor. Dr. Dimov also maintains Allergy Cases.
    3. BioJobBlog: Dr. Mintz is founder of BioInsights, a biopharmaceutical education and training organization, among other things “bio.”


    1. Literature, Arts and Medicine Blog: This blog is linked to and is an extension of The NYU School of Medicine medical humanities web site and the Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database.
    2. Prime: This leader in educational program design, accreditation, execution and evaluation offers case studies, videos and news that can help any medical professional.
    Continuing Medical Education - Imedex
    Continuing Medical Education - Imedex
    PIER Continuing Medical Education CME
    PIER Continuing Medical Education CME
    Ultrasound CME Credits - Continuing Medical Education
    Ultrasound CME Credits - Continuing Medical Education
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