The major overwhelmingly attracts students who have interests in the health professions, but the philosophy in this department is similar to that which prevails in most departments within the Liberal Arts and Sciences: that our purpose is to educate students with respect to the discipline and not to serve as a premedical program. This is also consistent with medical school publications which emphasize the importance of majoring in any discipline which interests the student; the medical schools will assume responsibility for teaching medical science courses. The nature of our discipline is, however, such that there is nevertheless considerable overlap in our courses and those in the medical school curriculum. Such overlap will do nothing but increase in the future as medicine itself becomes increasingly dependent on an understanding of physiology, molecular biology, development, and genetics to explain and diagnose human diseases and syndromes and to implement new methods of therapy.
Cell and Molecular Biology majors have an excellent rate of acceptance into medical programs. In 2004, 52 majors applied and 33 were accepted (64%). In addition to medical school, CMB majors also apply to veterinary, dental and optometry programs. The PreHealth Advisor can provide guidance to students regarding the requirements for medical school and other health professions, and can assist the student with interviewing skills and other aspects of the application process.