Click here to see each of the Top 10 med schools
Yearly medical school rankings are always a point of debate among medical schools and medical students. No single method for determining these rankings works perfectly, and every institution feels it should be ranked higher.
What should be weighted? What matters more, debt load or NIH grant funding? Having two lists – research and primary care – deals with this problem a little, but it also points out where weaknesses reside.
According to our proprietary ranking tool (accessed at top right), StudentDoc's Top 10 medical schools for 2014 are as follows:
- Johns Hopkins University
- Baylor College of Medicine
Stanford University (tied) - Mayo Medical School
- University of California, San Diego
- University of California, San Francisco
- University of Pennsylvania
Compare these medical schools to the US News rankings of top graduate schools:
Top 10 medical schools for 2014 (research):
1. Harvard University Medical School
2. Stanford University School of Medicine
3. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
4. University of California, San Francisco
5. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
6. Washington University in St. Louis
7. Yale University School of Medicine
8. Columbia University
9. Duke University
10. University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Top 10 medical schools for 2014 (primary care):
1. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2. University of Washington
3. Oregon Health and Science University
4. University of California, San Francisco
5. University of Colorado, Denver
6. University of Nebraska Medical Center
7. University of Minnesota
8. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
9. University of Massachusetts, Worcester
10. University of Alabama, Birmingham
Find out what goes into Medical School Rankings
And as you consider where to apply, geography comes into play. Live near home, or take off for regions unknown? Hear the call of the ocean? Want to live where the leaves change colors with the seasons? Check out the Top 10 schools broken down by geographic region:
Med School Rankings: Midwest
Med School Rankings: West and Southwest