"You don't want to be just a number when you’re learning medicine. To truly learn it well, you need to have the right circumstances around you. And I was very well prepared at MUA."
—Nader Hanna, MD
2014 MUA Graduate
Residency: Internal Medicine
University of Buffalo
Application Schedule
MUA operates on a year-round, three-semester schedule, and new students can choose to begin their medical studies at any of three times during the year: September, January or May. For that reason, we accept applications throughout the year.
The three-semester schedule not only makes it more convenient to get started, it also allows you to complete your studies more quickly. There is no long summer break—just two- or three-week intervals between each semester. That means you will complete your five semesters of Basic Sciences in 20 months, and then return home to do your clinical rotations at ACGME-approved teaching hospitals in the U.S. and Canada that are affiliated with MUA.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their documents early—generally 6 to 12 months in advance—and to ensure that their files are complete for consideration at least 3 months prior to the trimester of their first choice. Since the number of students in each class is limited, and the application pool competitive, the early applicants will have a better chance of securing a place in the semester of their choice.
Review Process
Once all admissions documents are received your application will be submitted to the Admissions Committee for initial review. Within a week’s time an interview may be requested by the Committee, if applicable.
Interviews are typically 30 minutes to one hour in length and will cover a variety of topics, including your desire to become a physician, your academic preparation for medical school, your clinical experience and your knowledge of our program. This interview is your opportunity to introduce yourself to one or more Admission Committee members and have any of your questions answered in return. Once the interview is complete, you will receive the Admissions Committee decision within 3-5 days.