Welcome to the Department of Anesthesiology at Upstate Medical University. Our mission is to deliver high quality care and uncompromising safety to all perioperative patients requiring anesthesia services. Our faculty includes 34 physicians representing every subspecialty area in anesthesiology—cardiac, thoracic, pediatric, critical care, neuroanesthesia, regional anesthesia and trauma.
Together with our residents (34), and CRNAs (12), these teams handle the most complex cases in central New York. In addition, we have outstanding acute and chronic pain management services, including 5 fellows and 3 nurse practitioners, so that we can provide a continuous spectrum of care.
AnesthesiologyUpstate University Hospital - Downtown Campus
4702, 750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
Map & directions
Phone: 315 464-4720
Education of our residents and fellows is a top priority for our faculty. We have a superb weekly didactic program which includes lectures, case conferences, and mock oral board examinations. Special programs include difficult airway management workshops, simulation technology, and a regional anesthesia rotation that includes ultrasound guidance techniques.
A highlight of the curriculum is an annual cadaver dissection program, offering a unique learning experience in the dissection of the brachial plexus, the lumbar plexus, airway anatomy, and anatomy crucial for central line insertion in the neck. We also fund a nationally-recognized review course for each of our senior residents as they prepare to take their written board examinations. Additionally, we have a hands on workshop for difficult airway management and ultra sound guided peripheral nerve blocks.
Research opportunities, both basic and clinical, are readily available. A few faculty members are actively involved in ongoing laboratory investigations, including hyperbaric oxygen treatment of brain injury, amelioration of neurologic injury after cardiopulmonary bypass, chronic pain models, and immunosuppression after organ transplantion. Others are involved in investigator-initiated and industry-funded perioperative clinical research projects. Participation of our residents and fellows in basic or clinical research is strongly encouraged.