Wellesley College offers a number of fellowships and scholarships for graduate study or research that are open to graduating seniors and Wellesley alumnae.
Two of these awards are open to women graduates of any American institution. Awards are usually made to applicants currently enrolled in or applying to graduate school for the following year. Preference in all cases, except for the Peggy Howard Fellowship, will be given to applicants who have not held one of these awards previously. Decisions will be based on merit and need, with the exception of the Knafel and Trustee awards, which are determined on merit alone. U.S. tax laws apply. Please note that the awards are for study at institutions other than Wellesley College and are open to all nationalities.
Application Information
- If you are a graduating senior or a graduate of Wellesley College,
- If you are a non-Wellesley College applicant for the Mary McEwen Schimke Scholarship or the M.A. Cartland Shackford Medical Fellowship
- The application and supporting material must be uploaded to MyCWS (for Wellesley students and alumnae) or postmarked or hand-delivered to the Secretary to the Committee on Extramural Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships (for non-Wellesley applicants to the Schimke and Shackford) : The Howard, Klein, Knafel and Stevens fellowships have their own separate applications and deadlines.
For Wellesley College Graduating Seniors Only:
Jacqueline Krieger Klein ’53 Fellowship in Jewish Studies to encourage graduating seniors to pursue further education in the field of Jewish studies. Application information available from Professor Frances Malino, Professor of Jewish Studies and History.
Award: up to $8, 000
Susan Rappaport Knafel ’52 Scholarship for Foreign Study will be awarded to a member of the graduating class who displays a desire for learning and an ability to impart knowledge and judgment to others. The scholarship will fund a year of study at a foreign institution to pursue a specific subject that requires contact with foreign scholars, libraries or other resources. Study will not be supported at an institution in the United States or in the candidate's country of citizenship or residence. U.S. tax laws apply. Application and supporting material should be postmarked or hand-delivered to the Secretary to the Committee on Extramural Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships, CWS, Attn: Knafel Committee, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02481, by February 5, 2016
Knafel Application.
Award: up to , 000
Susan Rappaport Knafel ’52 Traveling Fellowship will be awarded to a member of the graduating class who displays an interest in and an acceptance of others, and who displays the ethos of a Wellesley education. The fellowship will fund a year of purposeful travel abroad to explore a particular interest with the requirement that the recipient not remain in the same area for more than two months. Travel will not be supported in the country of the candidate’s citizenship or residence. If you have federally guaranteed student loans issued in your name, you may be eligible for a partial reimbursement. Application and supporting material for Knafel awards should be postmarked or hand-delivered to the Secretary to the Committee on Extramural Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships, CWS, Attn: Knafel Committee, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02481, by February 5, 2016
Knafel Application.
Award: up to , 000
Trustee Scholarships awarded on a competitive basis to graduating seniors who are currently applying to graduate school. To be considered a candidate, a senior must apply for a Trustee Scholarship or for any of the Wellesley College Fellowships for Graduate Study. The title Trustee Scholar is honorary. In cases of financial need, an award of up to $3, 000 may be given.
For Women Graduates of Any American Institution:
(These are the only two awards for which women who are not Wellesley alumnae may apply.)
Mary McEwen Schimke Scholarship, a supplemental award to provide relief from household and child care expenses while pursuing graduate study. The award is made on the basis of scholarly expectation and identified need. The candidate must be over 30 years of age, currently engaged in graduate study in literature and/or history. Preference given to American studies.
Award: up to $1, 500
M.A. Cartland Shackford Medical Fellowship for the study of medicine with a view to general practice, not psychiatry.
Award: minimum of $10, 000
For Graduating Seniors and Graduates of Wellesley College:
Anne Louise Barrett Fellowship for graduate study or research, preferably in music, with emphasis on study or research in musical theory, composition, or the history of music abroad or in the United States.
Award: up to $6, 000
Margaret Freeman Bowers Fellowship for a first year of study in the fields of social work, law, or public policy/public administration, including MBA candidates with plans for a career in the field of social services. Preference will be given to candidates demonstrating financial need.
Award: up to $8, 000
Eugene L. Cox Fellowship for graduate study in medieval or renaissance history and culture abroad or in the United States.
Award: up to $6, 000
Professor Elizabeth F. Fisher Fellowship for research or further study in geology or geography, including urban, environmental or ecological studies. Preference given to geology and geography.
Award: up to $3, 000
Ruth Ingersoll Goldmark Fellowship for graduate study in English literature or English composition or in the classics.
Award: up to $3, 000
Horton-Hallowell Fellowship for graduate study in any field, preferably in the last two years of candidacy for the Ph.D. degree, or its equivalent, or for private research of equivalent standard.
Award: up to $10, 000
Peggy Howard Fellowship in Economics to provide financial aid for Wellesley students or alumnae continuing their study of economics. Administered by the economics faculty who may name one or two recipients, depending on the funding available. Contact the Wellesley College Department of Economics for application and supporting material. Return application to the Economics Department, Wellesley College, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA by April 1, 2016
Edna V. Moffett Fellowship for a young alumna, preferably for a first year of graduate study in history.
Award: up to $12, 000
Alice Freeman Palmer Fellowship for study or research abroad or in the United States. The holder must be no more than 26 years of age at the time of her appointment and unmarried throughout the whole of her tenure.
Award: up to $30, 000
Kathryn Conway Preyer Fellowship, formerly Thomas Jefferson Fellowship, for advanced study in history.
Award: up to $12, 000
Vida Dutton Scudder Fellowship for study or research in the field of social science, political science, or literature.
Award: up to $12, 000
Harriet A. Shaw Fellowship for study or research in music, art, or allied subjects in the United States or abroad. Preference given to music candidates; undergraduate work in history of art required of other candidates.
Award: up to $13, 000
Mary Elvira Stevens Traveling Fellowship for travel or study outside the United States in order to benefit from the knowledge and understanding of a global education. Any scholarly, artistic, or cultural purpose may be considered. Candidates must be at least 25 years of age in the year of applicationThe application and supporting material should be returned to the Center for Work and Service, Wellesley College, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA by December 1, 2015
Award: up to $25, 000
Maria Opasnov Tyler ’52 Scholarship in Russian Studies for graduate study in Russian studies.
Award: up to $2, 000
Sarah Perry Wood Medical Fellowship for the study of medicine at an accredited medical school approved by the American Medical Association.
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