The BA in Medicine is a three-year pre-clinical course, which is followed by a further three years of clinical training (BM BCh), for which most students remain in Oxford, although opportunities also exist for students to move to medical schools in London. The syllabus for the BA course is the same at every College. The University Medical Departments organise lectures and laboratory-based practicals; the College organises the small-group teaching (tutorials or classes), so your College tutors play a key role throughout your course. The College has an excellent reputation for providing strong academic teaching and support.
Throughout the first five terms (for the BM Part I and Part II qualifying examinations), Keith Buckler gives regular tutorials in Physiology, and Paul Fairchild in Pathology. Both are research scientists, who spend part of their week leading research groups in their laboratories. Our College Lecturers provide additional tutorial support, including Sarah Norman in Neuroscience, Adrian Kendal in Anatomy and Embryology, and John Stanley in Biochemistry. Practice exams are set in College at the start of most terms, to allow students to consolidate their learning and receive helpful feedback on their progress in preparation for their university examinations.
Our 2015 freshers in Medicine have arrived and are about to embark on lectures, labs and tutorials!
In the last four terms of the course, leading to the award of BA, core teaching continues to be provided by College tutors, alongside specialist tutorials organised by University Departments in optional fields of study. A highlight of the course is the research project conducted in a laboratory during the course of the third year. Peter McCulloch, Reader in Surgery and Christopher Butler, Professor of Primary Health Care provide support and advice during the years of clinical training.
Trinity has a large community of students and academics working in medical fields. Apart from our undergraduates on the BA and BM BCh, we have graduates (both qualified medical doctors and research scientists) undertaking medical research into fields as diverse as Genomic Medicine, Oncology and Cardiovascular Science. There is a very active Trinity College Medical Society (run by the students). Recent guest-speakers have included Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England, who is an Honorary Visiting Fellow of Trinity College.
Trinity is situated close to the MSTC, where most central university medical teaching (lectures and laboratory work) takes place, and is also near the sizeable resources of the Radcliffe Science Library. The College Library is also very well stocked with medical textbooks.