Whether you're not feeling well, need a physical or require a vaccination, the Health Center is here for you. Located in Gosiger Hall, the Health Center is staffed by a team of family physicians and registered nurses.
The Health Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday during the academic school year (not including University breaks and holidays). Appointments are required except in the case of emergencies. To schedule an appointment, call 937-229-3131. Students can also make or cancel appointments, enter medical history, and insurance information through our portal at .
All students are required to show evidence of adequate immunizations and do a screening for tuberculosis ("TB") (Arabic, Chinese versions). All University of Dayton students are expected to carry medical health insurance. International students must carry medical health insurance and submit proof of insurance on an annual basis.
While there are no known cases of Ebola in this region of the U.S., the University of Dayton Student Health Center providers and staff maintain a focused vigilance for the safety and security of the UD community. The University of Dayton has been monitoring the evolving Ebola situation closely since the outbreak in West Africa began and is prepared to respond in the unlikely event of a need to do so. The Health Center, in consultation with University partners and public health professionals, has implemented clinical protocols to respond to potential health risks related to the virus.