Scoil an Leighis Tréidliachta UCD
The UCD School of Veterinary Medicine has the only centre for veterinary education in Ireland, and enjoys a long and proud tradition. This leading veterinary school provides excellent facilities for the care of animals and training opportunities for veterinary students.
This programme is designed to educate future veterinarians to the best international standards in veterinary medicine and to prepare them for careers in professional work, research and public service. Clinical rotations take place primarily in the UCD Veterinary Hospital in Belfield, which receives a range of pet species, farm animals and horses.
The UCD School of Veterinary Medicine is one of the leading veterinary schools in Europe, and it has also been granted full accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the European Association of Establishments in Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and the Veterinary Council of Ireland (VCI).
Access to cutting edge clinical expertise
Students and faculty of the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine have access to cutting edge expertise at UCD Veterinary Hospital, a referral and teaching hospital. Its international faculty includes Board-certified specialists in a wide range of disciplines as well as veterinary scientists actively contributing to the development of advances in their subject.
Course Content and Structure
The Graduate-entry Programme is organised into four stages:
In stage 1 of the programme students will build on their knowledge of the basic biological sciences by taking modules designed to demonstrate how this knowledge is applied in the practice of veterinary medicine, and gain a firm grounding in animal welfare, behaviour and handling.