Degree:MD Duration (Years): 6 Medium of Instruction: İngilizce

As the Eastern Mediterranean University Medicine Faculty, our fundamental mission for our graduates is to demonstrate the highest level of medical knowledge and skills in line with the most advanced international standards, to have a good understanding of global health issues, to strive to improve the life quality of individuals and the population to the highest possible level through delivery of exemplary health care provision, to be up to date with global developments in health and able to adopt the most up to date technology in their everyday medical practice and to demonstrate outstanding skills as highly qualified doctors, not just through clinical skills but also through outstanding knowledge and skills in professionalism, ethics, medical leadership, effective communication and teamwork.
Our vision is to adopt the approach of Eastern Mediterranean University for the most up to date educational standards and continuous learning in delivering medical education at the highest standards which will always be based on the principles of evidence based medicine, research and a student centered approach. We see our future as a strong faculty with a robust identity and culture, delivering high standards in medicine, gaining acknowledgement locally and internationally for our high standards and attracting students and teaching staff of highest abilities.
The first three years of the medicine studies, excluding the preparatory year, are completed at Eastern Mediterranean University. The last three years of the studies will take place at UTEAK (National Medicine Education Accreditation Board) accredited Marmara University Medicine Faculty. The medium of instruction is English and the English preparatory period of the program is 1 year. Turkish language courses are offered to international students within the first three years. EMU Medical Faculty delivers vertical and horizontal integration in the curriculum in line with the leading medical education programs in the world. In the first three years of core preclinical training, the curriculum encompasses student-centered training in basic sciences, ethics, application of evidence based medicine principles, development of professional skills as well as special study modules on human sciences, behavioral science, philosophy, natural science, social sciences, communication skills, arts and IT classes of their choice. Students become confident and competent in their approach to clinical problems and dilemmas and develop a holistic bio-psycho-social approach to medicine whilst developing their exploration and leadership skills. Students are supported in developing critical questioning skills and are given opportunities to participate in multi-disciplinary research activities including the faculty’s ongoing bio-statistical and epidemiological research programs. Students have the opportunity to present their scientific studies in MASCO, the international student congress organised by Marmara University, attend their internship in hospitals or academic programs supported by EU, WHO and benefit from exchange student programs with contracted universities, inland and abroad. Anonymous student feedback is routinely exercised and reviewed as part of the faculty’s developmental policy and the continuous feedback has contributed to the success of the first year of the faculty.
Those who successfully complete the 6-year program are directly admitted to the PhD program.
EMU Medical School faculty delivers high quality teaching through a strong team of teaching staff with international recognition and experience. Trainers maintain a highly interactive atmosphere during classes and practical sessions and facilitate a close-knit and supportive teaching environment to fully support the students’ academic, personal and professional development. Students learn about critical thinking and analysis from quite early on and are encouraged to practice these skills, voice their opinions freely and constructively. Students receive structured training on research, learn to interpret evidence based medicine and are assisted with research projects from quite early on. Training is provided in a well-designed environment including most up to date scientific research and education laboratories. There are four well-equipped student laboratories with advanced sound and image systems for basic science disciplines and laboratory practices. Additionally, there are four laboratories for research and practical sessions. The faculty’s exercise lab is equipped according to the latest technology for students to practice and verify their data learned in applied Biophysics and Physiology courses. The anatomy laboratory is equipped with advanced individual 3D viewing technology supported with cadaveric material, dissection tables and models identical to each human organ, enabling students to study and combine clinical knowledge and its application in the most up to date standards. A state of the art computer laboratory is used for the application of theoretical knowledge learnt in biostatistics. Besides the university library, the faculty has its own medical library and also encompasses student club rooms, recreational rooms, sports rooms and cafeteria.
Career Opportunities
EMU medical school curriculum is identical to and is lead in collaboration with Marmara University’s Medicine Faculty. At the end of the medical school training program, graduates receive an undergraduate medical diploma which will bear the joint signature of both faculties. Therefore, graduates will be able to practice in Turkey and North Cyprus without needing to take additional equivalency exams in Turkey.