A landmark $10 million gift from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians will enable the establishment of the new San Manuel Gateway College at Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino. The college will prepare high school and adult students for careers in health care through a unique and innovative educational approach.
Through this partnership, San Manuel Gateway College will offer a number of health career certificate programs such as nursing, medical, and dental assisting, phlebotomy and medical insurance coding. These six- to 12-month certificate programs will provide job entry skills, employment and college credit for students who elect to further their education.
San Manuel Gateway College will open in 2016 across from the San Manuel Stadium in downtown San Bernardino.
The Loma Linda University Health - San Bernardino complex will provide students and the local communities with a new health care and educational focal point in downtown San Bernardino.
San Manuel Gateway College Concept Drawing
We are drawn together in common purpose to bring greater access to medical care and education to our region. We want to make sure the dream of a brighter tomorrow becomes reality for the students of San Bernardino and the Inland Empire. San Manuel Gateway College will support the vitality of this community for decades to come. Lynn Valbuena, Chairwoman of San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Tuition Assistance
Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, awarded a 0, 000 grant for tuition assistance and career coaching to Inland Empire students as part of the federal Health Career Opportunities program.
This grant will assist high school and adult students to attend health career certificate programs at the San Manuel Gateway College.
After many years of careful planning, we at Loma Linda are overjoyed to see the San Bernardino campus getting underway with all its components. We couldn't have done this without your help! I know this will be a tremendous asset to those who seek treatment here, and to those who gain skills to prepare them for a career in the medical field.