UR Medicine Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY is ranked nationally in 4 adult and 2 pediatric specialties. It was also high-performing in 7 adult specialties. UR Medicine Strong Memorial Hospital is a 781-bed general medical and surgical facility with 38, 423 admissions in the most recent year reported. It performed 10, 989 annual inpatient and 22, 112 outpatient surgeries. Its emergency room had 101, 085 visits. UR Medicine Strong Memorial Hospital is a teaching hospital. It is also accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
Rankings & Ratings
How we score: U.S. News analyzed over 5, 000 hospitals for adult and pediatric care to find the best in the nation, based on critical criteria and patient outcomes. More details on how we score.
Doctors at this Hospital
The U.S. News Doctor Finder has compiled extensive information in each doctor's profile, including where he or she was educated and trained, which hospitals he or she admits patients to, and in some cases which insurance plans he or she accepts.