AOTA-Approved OT Continuing Education
Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc., is an AOTA Approved Provider for occupational therapy continuing education (provider # 3313). AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
Courses are also accepted by NBCOT (the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy Certificate Renewal program).
For information about CE requirements in your state, contact your state board. Contact information for the OT boards in all 50 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico can be found online at the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) website.
CE Broker: We report to CE Broker for Alabama OT/OTAs. Provider ID # 50-2174.
New York: We report course completions electronically to the New York State Education Department every 24 hours for Child Abuse Identification and Reporting in New York State: Mandated Reporter Training. NY Provider ID for this course is # 80607.
Pennsylvania: We report course completions electronically to the Pennsylvania Department of State (DOS) every 24 hours for Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania: Mandated Reporter Training (2 CH / 3 CH). PA CE Provider Number CACE000034.
State-Mandated Courses
Wild Iris is also approved as a provider for specific state-mandated courses by additional agencies. Approver information is listed by state, topic, and licenses that the courses are approved for.