Research Volunteers Needed
In 2014, there were an estimated 50-100 million cases of dengue worldwide. Currently, there is no effective dengue vaccine. Healthy adults aged 20-49 years are needed for participation. This study tests an inactivated dengue vaccine with AS03B adjuvant. Study volunteers will be compensated for participation up to $1390-$1560 with the study estimated to last 13 -18 months.
For more information call:
410-706-6156 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Conducted by the Center for Vaccine Development (CVD)
University of Maryland School of Medicine
685 W. Baltimore St., Rm. 422
You may be eligible if you are
- 65 years of age or older
- In good health
Influenza causes 20, 000-40, 000 deaths each year in the U.S. So, you know it is important to receive an updated influenza vaccine every year. But did you know that world health authorities are closely monitoring for new and emerging avian ("bird") influenza viruses because of their pandemic potential? They could lead to the next pandemic if transmitted from human-to-human easily. In March 2013, China identified another new avian influenza virus, called A/H7N9. As of September 3, 2014, there have been 454 human cases of A/H7N9, with an alarming >25% case fatality rate. Although cases are only associated with close contacts with live birds in China right now, the situation is being monitored because this virus could lead to the next pandemic.
The Center for Vaccine Development (CVD), an organized research center of the University of Maryland School of Medicine is conducting an NIH-sponsored study of an experimental A/H7N9 influenza vaccine. This study will recruit healthy adults age 65 years and older. If you are interested in learning more information about this study, you can log onto ClinicalTrials.gov (the U.S. government registry of all clinical trials) and enter the trial identifier NCT02213354. The study will require a commitment of approximately 18 months and you will receive 3 vaccinations. Compensation up to $975 will be provided.
Conducted by the Center for Vaccine Development (CVD)
University of Maryland School of Medicine
685 W. Baltimore St., Rm. 422
and University of Maryland Traveler's Health Clinic
Your child may be eligible if he/she is
- Healthy child between age 6 to 17 years old
- Will be receiving oral Typhoid vaccine for travel
- No history of prior typhoid infection or vaccination
- Consent of a parent
This study seeks to better understand how the licensed vaccine affects the immune system and normal bacteria in the intestine. Participation requires at least 2 visits. We will reimburse the Travel Clinic consultation fee and waive the cost of the Typhoid vaccine. Additional compensation will be provided for participation. Please feel free to make inquiries to the CVD Recruting Office at 410-706-6156 and make appointments to be seen in the Travel Clinic at 410-706-5196.
Conducted by the Center for Vaccine Development (CVD)
University of Maryland School of Medicine
685 W. Baltimore St., Rm. 422
- 18 to 45 years old
- Healthy
This study tests if an experimental vaccine is safe and can prevent infection following exposure to the malaria parasite. If the vaccine does not prevent infection and volunteers develop malaria symptoms, they will receive immediate curative treatment. Compensation will be provided for participation.