It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Children's Hospital of Georgia and our pediatric residency program.
Our residency program is centered on the award-winning Augusta University Children's Hospital of Georgia (CHOG), a state-of-the-art facility which was designed to foster the concepts of family-centered care. Architecturally and artistically, the hospital is set up to embrace children and their families with private rooms, beautifully decorated procedure rooms, spacious hallways, and toy-filled playrooms. For our residents, CHOG is a home base for their education and work experiences, complete with a spacious, technologically advanced conference room for morning report and noon conferences, a private library, as well as a resident lounge and clustered private call rooms.Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University (MCG-Augusta University) is located in Augusta, GA, the second-largest metropolitan area in Georgia with a three-county population of approximately 450, 000. MCG-Augusta University is the largest medical school in the southeastern United States, with an entry class each year of 240 students. Our students consistently rank the pediatrics rotation as one of their favorites.
To complement our outstanding physical facilities, we have a faculty that is truly committed to education and contribute significant proportions of its time to that effort. Our full-time faculty is composed of 65 M.D.s and 14 PhD.s, and this is complemented by an active clinical faculty composed of pediatricians and other physicians from the community. Our commitment to education is evidenced by Pediatrics being chosen as the Outstanding Clinical Teaching Department by the graduating senior class for ten of the past fourteen years. Although our educational emphasis is on general pediatric care, all subspecialties are represented on our faculty, and historically, more than 30% of our residents have entered fellowship programs upon graduation.
We believe we have an outstanding Pediatric residency experience with the clear and stated objectives of preparing the resident for the practice of general pediatrics in the 21st century. We believe this is the proper first step for those who choose to pursue the practice of general pediatrics as a career or for those who seek to become a pediatric sub-specialist. We believe the educational environment is most satisfying and one in which the proper candidate will thrive.
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