Each Fall, The Application Meeting is held for all students and alumni/ae planning to apply to health professions graduate schools during the upcoming summer. For example, if you plan to enter graduate school the Fall after you graduate, you would attend this meeting during the Fall of your junior year. At this meeting you will receive an Application Packet and Checklist Calendar. The Checklist Calendar outlines crucial deadlines for submitting the BC Committee Application. It is important to meet all deadlines in order to receive a BC Committee Evaluation. You will also be assigned to a member of the Premedical/Predental Committee. During the Spring, you will work closely with your assigned premedical/predental advisor.
Also during this time, you will be required to submit a minimum of three letters of evaluation, including at least one from a science faculty member. We suggest you get to know some faculty members while you are taking their courses and let them get to know you. As the course comes to a close, inform them that you may be seeking a letter, so they can note something about you while your presence as a student is still fresh in their minds.
At the end of the Spring semester, the Committee meets to evaluate all students who have turned in the required forms and have completed the basic Premedical/Predental courses. Therefore, before you are evaluated by the Committee, you must have completed one year each of the following:
- Biology plus labs
- General Chemistry plus labs
- Organic Chemistry plus labs
- Physics plus labs
The Committee is very strict about this, so please plan your curriculum accordingly.
Generally, Pre-Health students have completed all of their basic requirements by the end of their junior year and therefore may be evaluated by the Committee that May or June. When the Committee meets, your assigned Premedical/Predental advisor will present your "case" to the Committee, which then prepares a comprehensive letter reviewing the academic, extracurricular, and personal elements of your undergraduate performance.