Ph.D., The Catholic University of America
Scholarly Interests: Psychophysiology of health, including body languages as indicators of emotions and stress and cognitive-behavioral methods to control stress.
Academic Profile: From 1971 to 1980, Professor Tecce taught courses in physiological psychology and statistics at the University while a professor in neurology and psychiatry at Tufts Medical School. From 1980 to the present, Professor Tecce has been full-time faculty at Boston College, teaching Psychobiology of Mental Disorders, Health Psychology, and Stress and Behavior. He is also a lecturer in neuropsychology at Boston University School of Medicine.
Typically offered courses
Representative Publications
Tecce, J. J., Pok, L. J., Consiglio, M. R., & O’Neil, J. L. (2005). Attention impairment in electrooculographic control of computer functions. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 55, 159-163.
Tecce, J. J. (1991). Dopamine and CNV: Studies of drugs, disease, and nutrition. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology (Suppl. 42), 153-164.
Tecce, J. J., & Cole, J. O. (1974). Amphetamine effects in man: Paradoxical drowsiness and lowered electrical brain activity (CNV). Science, 185, 451-453.
Tecce, J. J. (1972). Contingent negative variation (CNV) and psychological processes in man. Psychological Bulletin, 77, 73-108.
Tecce, J. J., & Scheff, N. M. (1969). Attention reduction and suppressed direct-current potentials in the human brain. Science, 164, 331-333.