General Factors
Applicants to the MSU College of Human Medicine must:
- Be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or permanent resident of the United States,
- Have completed at least a four-year high school education or equivalent
- Have completed all premedical requirements, including a bachelor's degree earned in the U.S. or Canada
- Have taken the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
The college requires all applicants to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). Submit your existing MCAT scores with your AMCAS application. If you are retaking the MCAT to improve your scores, we will accept scores no older than four calendar years. Both old—scores earned prior to the Spring 2015 launch of the new MCAT—and new MCAT scores are acceptable.
For MCAT Test deadlines, please see our Dates & Deadlines Page.
The only applicants for whom scores from MCATS taken after September 12 may be considered are those who are placed on the Alternate list after interview, and then only at the discretion of the Committee on Admissions.
Changes to MCAT information in AMCAS
- If there is any change to your MCAT intent (changing your "Addl MCAT Intent Date" to a future date or removing it), you must recertify and resubmit your AMCAS application in order for this change to become an official update. Simply saving the change and exiting the application is not enough.
- If you are taking the MCAT after you submit your AMCAS application, your application will be held for an interview decision until your MCAT scores are received. To avoid any delay in reviewing your application once your scores are received, we suggest that you go ahead and pay your Secondary Application Fee and submit your Secondary Application.
- If you indicated on your AMCAS application that you were going to take an MCAT exam on a particular date but do not take it, notify our office by email so that we can go ahead and review your application.
- If you indicated that you were not going to retake the MCAT exam on your AMCAS application but changed your mind and will take the exam again, in or before September, you must notify our office by email so that we will hold your application for review for an interview decision until we receive those scores.
Premedical Course Requirements
Background Information
Premedical requirements are minimums that must be fulfilled prior to matriculation at the College of Human Medicine. Your AMCAS academic record will be reviewed for completion of our premedical requirements. If you are invited to interview, your Premedical Requirements form will also be reviewed. If any deficiencies or discrepancies are found, Admissions staff will either discuss this with you on Interview Day or contact you by email shortly thereafter.
Undergraduate coursework must be completed at an accredited US or Canadian four-year college or university. There is no requirement as to how recently your undergraduate courses or premedical requirements were completed; however, more recent coursework or advanced study in the basic sciences is preferred. There is no preference of where you complete your premedical courses, as long as they're completed at an accredited US or Canadian undergraduate institution.
We will accept courses from community colleges if they are accepted at an accredited four-year US or Canadian undergraduate institution as transfer credit. To verify if a specific course is accepted at MSU, visit the MSU Transfer Admissions site and view the Transfer MSU Credit Equivalency System.
If you are accepted to the College of Human Medicine, you will be required to submit official transcripts from all post-secondary schools you have attended (AMCAS does not forward transcripts). In addition to updating your MSU student record, your transcripts are reviewed for the completion of any degree(s) listed on your AMCAS application, as well as any incomplete premedical course requirement(s) that you indicated on your AMCAS application. If there are changes in premedical courses you indicated you would complete and/or degrees you indicated you would earn, please notify the Office of Admissions right away.
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