Study Two Years in Australia & Two in the U.S.
Admitted U.S. students will study two years of Basic Sciences at The University of Queensland School of Medicine. Australia is widely considered one of the most academically outstanding and desirable locations for U.S. students studying abroad. They will then spend two years in New Orleans and/or Baton Rouge, Louisiana at Ochsner Health System, completing their core and elective clinical rotations. Students will be eligible for ECFMG certification, to take the USMLEs, for the NRMP match, and to practice medicine in the U.S.
An Ongoing Demand for Quality Physicians
In the U.S. as the population grows and ages, the need for physicians is increasing dramatically and is expected to continue increasing through the next decade. U.S. medical school capacities (even with some current expansions) do not come close to addressing the size of the need.
The University of Queensland School of Medicine
Ochsner Cinical School
The University of Queensland is one of Australia's finest medical schools. Founded in 1936, it is renowned globally as an award-winning research institution of excellence and rigor. Accreditations for Australian medical schools are recognized by the U.S. government and Department of Education as being as exacting as those of the U.S. accrediting bodies.
The Ochsner Health System, established in 1942, has a nationally recognized forward-looking clinical delivery system, anticipating the medical needs of the future. Ochsner is highly regarded for the quality of its patient care and clinical services. Students will have the benefit of a well supervised and cohesive clinical experience.