Welcome to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Vanderbilt. Thank you for visiting our website. Whether you are interested in patient care, residency, other educational opportunities or the many research activities conducted by our faculty, I know you will find the information about our programs on the following pages. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology offers a broad spectrum of women’s health care, from the provision of annual examinations and preventive care to advanced laparoscopy and minimally invasive surgery, Gynecologic Oncology and a busy MFM and Maternal transport service. Here are a few highlights of our clinic program:
Obstetrics: We provide prenatal care and delivery services to about 4500 women per year and last year had about 500 women transported to us for tertiary, high risk labor and delivery care. Our Department is a founding participant in the Center for Advanced Maternal-Fetal Care, a multidisciplinary group that advises women and their families who have been told that their fetus has a birth defect about the prognosis and care of their fetus, including the prognosis, options for prenatal treatment, and recommending a plan for post natal treatment. The Vanderbilt Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has a collaborative practice with the Fetal Surgery department based at our Children’s Hospital. We are part of the NICHD MOMS trial—Management of Myelomeningocele Study—a multi-center randomized trial looking at the outcomes for children with spina bifida cared for in a traditional manner compared to fetal surgery.
Gynecology: Our surgeons provide a wide range of medical and operative treatment for women with gynecologic problems. If the appropriate treatment for a woman’s problems might include traditional surgical management or minimally invasive procedures, such as robotic or laparoscopic assisted supra-cervical hysterectomy, the Vanderbilt gynecologists will help you to select the right treatment. We have a very strong program for management of urinary incontinance and pelvic support problems at Vanderbilt. We also have a fellowship in advanced laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery, one of only about 25 in the country. The fellowship is in its second year and boasts one of the highest case numbers when compared to similar programs in the nation.
Gynecologic Oncology: The Gynecologic Oncology division sees patients as part of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer center. These patients are referred from local centers as well as surrounding counties and states. The division members participate in the Gynecologic Oncology Group clinical research program. We offer minimally invasive surgery including robotically assisted surgery where appropriate for gynecologic cancers. We also provide expert consultation for the management of abnormal pap tests.
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility: In the division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility we offer comprehensive Reproductive Endocrine services, as well as treatment and counseling in menopausal health issues and diagnosis and medical management of infertility. Housestaff rotate with the partners at the Nashville Fertility Center to experience assisted reproductive technology procedures, while participating in an active didactic program in endocrinology at the Vanderbilt campus.