State-of-the-Art Technology
Equipped with 12 high-fidelity patient simulators capable of presenting hundreds of conditions in realistic scenarios, the Clinical Simulation Lab allows students to develop and build upon their acquired theory with practical skills.
Multidisciplinary Training
The lab allows students to practice their skills independently, but also bolsters a key principle of our program: creating an environment of multidisciplinary collaboration by bringing together students from various fields to work and communicate as a team.
Improving Patient Care
Ultimately, the Clinical Simulation Lab prepares students with the evidence-based principles and clinical skills they'll need in clinical environments in the real world, helping them reduce errors, improve safety, and elevate the quality of patient care.
Laboratory Facility Descriptions
This cutting-edge patient care laboratory is designed to emulate the conditions and situations health care professionals encounter in real settings. From clinics to emergency rooms our facility is equipped with the simulators and equipment utilized in different clinical scenarios. Students can practice and refine their critical thinking skills on a diversity of mannequins without putting a real patient at risk. Simulation sessions conducted in our rooms provide participants with opportunities to practice caring for a range of patients, from healthy to acutely ill.
- Blue Room 1304
Equipped with iStan, METIman, and Harvey (Max Occupancy 24) - Red Room 1304
Equipped with an iStan and a SimMan model. (Max Occupancy 12) - Green Room 1302-13
Equipped with SimMan model. (Max Occupancy 10) - Pink Room 1302-05
Equipped with Noelle and Newborn HAL. (Max Occupancy 8)
Debrief is an indispensable aspect of simulation learning. The debriefing room at the lab creates a safe environment for students to review and evaluate their actions, focusing on clinical best practices. During the debriefing sessions, students use observation and real time data video recordings from all the simulation rooms to build on their knowledge.
These experiences can also be shared through local network to any classroom at Medical Campus. The easy access to information allows students and instructors to evaluate methodologies, improve patient outcomes, and stimulate team cooperation.

The realism of the clinical environment can be delivered to any classroom at Medical Campus thanks to the portable mannequins. Our portable mannequins allow students and instructors to enhance the lecture experience with the most advanced wireless and self-contained human simulators. Students gain confidence and competence through self-reflection of their actions from the comfort of the classroom.
Five portable mannequins - three iStan and one MetiMan - operate wirelessly. Also, “Bob, ” our unique low fidelity mannequin, can be used for trauma simulation and patient transportation training.
Photo Gallery
The simulators at the lab offer a wide range of physiological states that can challenge the capabilities of even our most advanced learners.
The lab has a total of 16 high fidelity simulators including:
CSL Guidelines for Requesting Appointments
- Instructors must request appointment at least one week in advance
- Instructors must send to lab coordinators a copy of the rosters either directly to our mail or through the official requesting form
- Instructors will receive a confirmation e-mail validating the date, time, and the number of students
- Classes using portable mannequins will follow the same procedures. Each instructor is responsible for requesting a classroom to the Registrar’s Office and must communicate the assigned classroom to lab staff in advance.
- Instructors that have requested portable mannequins need to be at the classroom at time of delivery and must wait until it is picked up. No mannequins will be left unattended in classrooms or sent to the lab under a students’ custody. Instructors are accountable for all equipment.