The College and the attached Hospital in Dhanmondi Campus are accommodated in two 6 storied buildings with arrangements for 500 inpatients. The new building of the Hospital, called the Community Welfare and Health Care Centre (CWHCC), is built to international standards. It has an excellent Outpatient Department in addition to Inpatient facilities. The College also has a modern Accident and Emergency Department. The College has recently acquired a large and modern mobile hospital with a fully air conditioned operation theatre, patient examination and treatment arrangements. The College is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council since 1986. BMC has been enlisted in the World Directory of Medical Schools effective 1995 published by World Health Organization which entitles the graduates of BMC recognition all over the world. Graduates of BMC are eligible for limited registration with the General Medical Council of United Kingdom. They are also eligible to take the United States Medical License Examinations (USMLE).
The Entrance of the Hospital