At the University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center, we know that a cancer diagnosis can be life changing. Seeing new patients quickly, and helping them understand the disease and treatment options are some ways we put minds at ease. With more than 200 cancer specialists, innovative treatments, leading-edge research, and clinical trials not available elsewhere, we're attacking cancer from every angle.
Ranked Among the Top Cancer Programs in the Nation
We are designated a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute - one of only two in Illinois. In addition, the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer awarded the medical center with a three-year accreditation with commendation. Our program earned the highest overall rating in seven areas, including prevention and early detection, outcomes analysis, and cancer-related quality improvements.
In addition, our cancer care program has been recognized by the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®), an affiliate of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. This three-year certification means our outpatient hematology-oncology practice meets the highest standards for quality and care delivery to cancer patients.
Our specialists work in teams to provide a personalized, multidisciplinary approach to care. Each team includes not one, but many nationally recognized experts.
More Diagnostic and Treatment Options
Our collaborative teams offer:
Preserving Quality of Life
Our experts use the latest treatments and techniques to preserve quality of life while conquering the disease. This holistic approach is revealed in many ways, from helping a young woman with ovarian cancer fulfill her dream of becoming a mother, to helping a chef with tongue cancer preserve his sense of taste.
Family-Centered Care in a State-of-the-Art Hospital
The Center for Care and Discovery is the new home for cancer care at the University of Chicago Medicine. Opened in February 2013, this advanced hospital brings together the best minds in medicine and research, aided by the latest technology. The top floor of the new hospital is devoted to cancer care, with 36 oncology rooms and a 28-bed Blood and Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplant Unit. Located on the perimeter of the building for greater privacy, these inpatient rooms offer many amenities for patients' comfort and convenience and are spacious enough to accommodate families for overnight and extended stays.
We receive more research funding from the National Cancer Institute than any other organization in Illinois. Our patients have access to more cancer clinical trials than any other hospital in the region. As a leading center for phase 1 and other early-phase clinical trials, our physician-scientists are creating new treatment protocols that later become the standard of care elsewhere. In May 2014, a UChicago Medicine team was awarded a National Cancer Institute grant to serve as a Lead Academic Participating Site for the National Clinical Trials Network-the only lead site in Illinois.
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